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Is budget 2018-19 a step in the right direction?

With emphasis on agriculture, MSMEs and rural area, the budget was on the expected lines. Rakesh Rao explores the impact of the budget on various sectors. In line with the Government’s long-term economic vision, the focus of this year’s budget, the last full budget of the current government, was clearly on rural development, housing, health, MSMEs (micro, small & medium enterprises) and infrastructure.Read more

Development of defence production corridors to boost indigenisation

The proposal of the Budget 2018-19 to develop two defence industrial production corridors is expected to promote indigenous manufacturing of defence equipment in the country. Read more

Change in classification norms for MSMEs to boost growth

The Cabinet’s decision to change the criteria for classification of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) from ‘investment in plant and machinery’ to ‘annual turnover’ is likely to give a boost to SMEs sectorRead more

Budget to give boost to MSMEs: IEEMA

Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers' Association (IEEMA) has welcomed the Budget 2018-19 stating that it will give a boost SMEs and help create employment.Read more

Here are the Union Budget 2018 goodies for the MSMEs

According to the National Sample Survey’s (NSS) 73rd round, there were around 634 trillion unincorporated non-agriculture MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) in India in 2015-16 providing employment to 111 million workers. Taking into account the significance of MSMEs sector to the country’s economic development, a list of measures to help MSMEs and job creation were announced by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley while presenting the last full budget of the current government.Read more

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